ScoobiToo Gustavia

Time to shop, or just browse, through the luxury boutiques of this chic hideaway island, photograph its quaint architecture and breathtaking scenery.What better way to visit this exclusive French Caribbean island than arriving by sail on a large, comfortable catamaran? St Barths, known as the St Tropez of the Caribbean, is famous for its style and charm, trendy boutiques, stunning scenery and luxurious lifestyle.

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Whale tail
Nature Scoobidoo has always been committed to the environment: solar equipment washable dishes, ecological products use. Its founder Stéphane is a certified AGOA whale-watcher.

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Space & Comfort Despite the 75 ft. long and 33 ft. wide of Scoobitoo, we limit passengers to 28. This helps protect the natural reserves, and raises your comfort.
Baguettes and Crew
French Lifestyle Fresh baguettes, cheese, wine and onboard food prepared by french caterers. Friendly staff in a relaxed atmosphere.